Nachdem eines der letzten Counter-Strike Source Updates Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit dem Server-Plugin zBlock hervorgerufen hat (siehe dazu diese ESL News), erschien heute in der Früh eine neue Version von zBlock (Version 4.5 RC3), die mit sofortiger Wirkung Pflicht in allen ESL Matches ist.
Die Patchnotes findet ihr nachfolgend, den Download unter folgendem Link:
zBlock 4.5 RC2 -> 4.5 RC3:
-Compatible with the 30/09/2010 game update.
-Removed functionality which is now implemented into the game by the VALVe/Hidden Path Entertainment partnership.
-Fixed a crash which could occur whilst „zb_active 0“ was set.
-Client „net_graph“ values are no longer checked when warmode is disabled.
-„sv_nostats“ is no longer a locked cvar.
-Locked several newly introduced cvars (which have competitive implications) whilst warmode is enabled:
sv_allowminmodels 1
sv_competitive_minspec 1
sv_enableboost 0
sv_enablebunnyhopping 0
sv_ladder_dampen 1
sv_legacy_grenade_damage 0
We’d like to thank VALVe and Hidden Path Entertainment for all the work they’ve done maintaining the game recently it’s great to have such attention being paid to a game this far along after its release. Please let it continue 🙂
-The zBlock Team
Nun ist zBlock in der Version 4.5 (ohne RC) erschienen. Die kurzen Patchnotes:
zBlock 4.5 RC3 -> 4.5
-Fixed a server crash when changing auth-host (due to corrupted build files).
-„zb_teamcash“ is now available to dead players.
We’d like to thank all Donors and Mirror Partners. Keep it up!
-The zBlock Team
Der Download ist weiterhin unter dem angegebenen Link zu finden.