Zum Wochenendstart gab es, nach längerer Zeit, ein Update zu Counter-Strike Source. Das rund 88 MB große Datenpaket behebt in erster Linie lediglich verschiedene kleinere Fehler, am Spiel selbst werden keinen nennenswerten Änderungen vorgenommen.
Wer sich einen Überblick über die Änderungen machen will, findet hier dei offiziellen Patchnotes:
- Limit the effective FOV of players using wide-screen resolutions with aspect ratios wider than 1.85:1. The sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov ConVar can be changed to remove the restriction or make the restriction also apply to full-screen players.
- Fixed a demo playback crash
- Changed the way bot counts are displayed in the server browser: the bot column is now next to the player column and always visible. Bot count is no longer subtracted from maxplayers.
- Adjusted error messages on servers when players drop due to Steam authentication failure to be more clear
- Additional important server messages now go to the server log instead of just the console
- Fixed the HUD radar not using the correct colors for players
- Fixed the HUD radar background disappearing after level change
- Fixed the class menu models not animating correctly
Quelle: store.steampowered.com