Heute gab es ein neues Steam Client Update. Die vollständige Liste aller Änderungen und Neuerungen des Updates findet ihr nachfolgend.
A new Steam client has been released and is being automatically downloaded.
- Fixed video content not playing correctly (black screen or corrupt image)
- Fixed an issue with some older games which resulted in a cloud file conflict immediately after installation
- Improved detection and recovery after receiving corrupt file data from a download server
- Fixed a chat-related crash that could be triggered by malicious users
- Fixed blank screens when running from a folder-mounted partition which does not have a traditional DOS drive letter
- Improved font rendering for Unicode chat text to better match with other platforms
Steam Controller
- Fixed non-Steam Shortcuts displaying incorrect configuration when accessed via the Game Details page
- Added desktop mode Detail View Link to edit Controller Configuration if a controller is connected.
- Added time-stamp to personal configurations in the configuration browser.
- Improved precision of Gyro.
- Fixed a bug with localized Title and Description of official configurations.
- Fixed Select Cursor Position helper screen appearing opaque when used in-game.
- Fixed Analog Trigger range being incorrect.
- Fixed crash that occurred when creating an entirely empty touch menu or radial menu.
- Fixed PS4 Glyphs in Big Picture appearing incorrectly in SteamOS/Linux.
- A copy to the link to the configuration is now automatically copied to clipboard when uploading a community configuration.
- Fixed mouse joystick visualization resetting to default pad rotation when selecting it.
- Fix for pairing controllers sometimes failing to be able to enter their code properly when multiple controllers were attached.
- Fixed a bug where if the configurator was open in the browser, time wouldn’t be accumulated towards being able to save a configuration.
- Changed the time limit before posting a configuration down to 5 minutes.
- Fix for button presses and other inputs leaking through to big picture when using a Guide-Chord combo. This primarily showed up as a Turn Off Controller action resulting in launching a game.
- Fixes for unique/shared configurations not always being set properly
- Fixed a bug during controller registration where network hiccups could cause no configurations to be received until Steam was restarted.
- Fix for Shortcuts to Non-Steam Games whose names were entirely blank or composed of only path unfriendly characters resulting in bad configurations or a crash.
- Fix for conflict between stick and touchpad when using on-screen keyboard with a PS4 controller.
- Made on-screen keyboard exclusive to a single controller, so whichever controller initiated the invocation will be used.
- Fixed autosave behavior not being immediately reflected when leaving/re-entering the configurator when a response from the backend isn’t received quickly.
- Fixed saves not showing immediately in the configuration browser.
- Fixed an issue where you could continue to be marked „in game“ after closing all VR applications
- Internal changes for forthcoming SteamVR 360 video playback
Big Picture
- Fixed broken icons for In Library and OSVR headset support